How I Got My Normal Life Back After Dealing With Chronic Vaginosis
I had the thick fishy smelly discharge for which doctors prescribed a number of gels and other medicines.
These worked for a while after which my chronic vaginosis always came back.
For a while I tried using a simple bacterial vaginosis home remedy - hydro peroxide douche every day.
However I found myself a bit dry down there and reduced the frequency to once a week.
This bacterial vaginosis home remedy worked but it did not cure me completely.
I then gave another home remedy a try.
I started taking apple cider vinegar for general health.
I took 2 tablespoons in 8 oz glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of honey.
I did this for about four weeks after which I realized that my BV has DISAPPEARED.
If you wish to make use of this home remedy for bv cure take organic apple cider that contains the "mother"...
which is very important.
The filtered brands in the supermarket do not contain this important ingredient.
Finally I am free of the fishy smelly discharge and not embarrassed to get intimate with my partner.
By scouting the internet you will find countless other bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas.
In truth I got relief from my chronic vaginosis by following cures provided in an in depth and all-embracing guide which I bought on the internet.
It gave me clear instructions on the way to get rid of vaginosis permanently and also provided details of preventive measures to keep the infection in check.