3 Signs of a Cheating Husband - Do You Want to Find Out Whether or Not He's Unfaithful?
Would you be interested in the top signs that your husband is cheating on you?
Below I'll go over several of the most common psychological indicators that a man will display when he's cheating on you. Hopefully you can use these signs to confirm your suspicions.
Signs #1 - You Find Gaps in Your Internet History
Believe it or not, Online affairs have quickly become one of the most popular methods for infidelity to take place. In fact, did you know that in 2008 over 30% of all divorce litigation was due to the fact that one spouse or the other decided to cheat online?
Now, while there are probably a hundred different ways for you to get proof of online infidelity (I'm sure you've heard about the various tracking programs available), one of the best FREE methods of getting proof is to just keep a close eye on your computer's browsing history.
Many times when your husband is having an affair he will use FaceBook or an internet dating site to meet and greet potential affair partners. Obviously, he won't want you to see what he's doing, so he'll delete his tracks.
However, if you're careful and consistent with your record keeping you'll be able to tell when he's hiding something.
Sign #2 - You Notice Extra Emotional Distance
I'm sure you've heard it before, but I'll stress that you really ought to be on the lookout for signs that your husband is cheating on you in his emotional behavior.
Let me try and make that clear: During any type of affair where emotion is involved (a good majority), your spouse is going to HAVE to be distant from you in order to cheat.
There's just no way for a husband who's really in love with you to cheat and NOT give you some indication that something's up. You'll be able to tell by how he pulls away from you emotionally.
Sign #3 - The Gym is Now a Top Priority
As soon as you fear that your husband is cheating on you it becomes very important for you to monitor and keep track of anything he says he's doing outside of the house.
One of the best ways for your husband to find time to cheat on you is to say he's 'going to the gym'.
I mean think about it...He has an excuse to shower, an excuse to change clothes, and he can totally get away with being gone for up to 2 or so hours without arousing any suspicion at all.
Therefore, if you notice your husband really seems to be kicking his workouts up a notch, or so he says, then you should be very careful to do your best to learn where he's actually going when he leaves.
Now listen, if your wife is cheating on you, then you already know how important it is to catch her as fast as possible. I want to help you do that, unfortunately, for more information I'm going to have to direct you somehwere else...I've simply run out of room in this article.
Luckily, this is what I can do: