How to Get Over a Broken Heart - 4 Tips That Really Work
You know that feeling where you just want to make life hell for your ex because they just stopped caring about you.
Like that was in the plan when you first got together.
All in all my heart was broken.
It is shredded into tiny little pieces left for you to pick up.
But how to get over a broken heart? Tip #1 Write a list of all of the things you did not like about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.
Point out any instances where you were not treated in a good way and hurt.
Also things that stressed you about the person or relationship.
When you start to feel pensive, go trough this list to avoid idealizing the person or relationship in your mind.
Tip #2 Keep yourself busy.
Hanging at home will not help you at all.
Do you like exercise? If yes then go to the gym, go out with your buddies, take a dance class, play with your cat or anything you enjoy.
Simply focus on do anything that will get your mind thinking about something that is not your broken heart.
If you feel anxious about going out then just turn on the music that makes you shout "wow".
Tip #3 Take time for yourself and try to look nice.
Not because of that person, but for you and your soul.
Focusing on yourself will help you put aside others.
Go and get your favorite ice cream, sweet candies but don't over do it.
Tip #4 Get rid of any potential reminders.
If you have things to give back, mail it.
Things you are going to keep hide in a box for now.
You don't want instant reminders of your broken heart in your room, car or at work.
Storage the box somewhere out of your sight and when you feel emotionally better you can get back to it.