How to Check Your FICO Score & Credit Report Online
This score ranges from 300 up to 850, with 300 being the worst possible credit score and 850 being the best possible score.
Simply put, the higher your score is the more likely you are to be trusted with a loan, credit card, or mortgage.
Your credit rating is extremely crucial, as it is often a determining factor when you apply for a mortgage, loan, credit card, or make a major purchase, such as a car.
The higher your score, the more likely you are to get approved.
There are several companies in the United States which keep track of your financial history, these companies were setup in the 1970s and are called "consumer reporting agencies.
" The three largest of these agencies are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.
The first step you should take is to obtain a copy of your credit report and FICO score, this will give you the opportunity to see exactly where you stand credit wise, shedding light on any problem areas.
Once you have assessed your current credit situation, you can make improvements to your score if it falls into one of the lower categories below.
FICO Score Ranges: 800-850 = Excellent Credit 700-800 = Good Credit 620-700 = Average Credit 580-620 = Low Credit 500-580 = Poor Credit 300-500 = Bad Credit If you decide that you would like to improve your FICO score there is one quick, free, and easy thing you can do yourself to get a quick credit boost.
Once you have a copy of your credit report, carefully check over all the negative entries for any errors or inaccurate information.
It is a fact that as many as 80% of all credit reports contain errors which can negatively affect your credit.
If you find any errors, simply contacts the credit reporting agency responsible and they will quickly remove the erroneous entry.