How to Make a Superhero Cape
There are so many online boutiques that sell superhero capes, but sometimes it's unrealistic to run out the door to buy a cape. You don't have the time or the money, but your children want to be like their brother who just received a cape for his birthday. It's times like this when you don't have the materials or the time to make a cape, and a simple towel around the neck is not going to cut it.You can make a quick cape in 20 minutes or less... maybe even 10. Using a simple pillowcase will save the day and you'll leave a smile on their faces.What's best about making this cape is that they can help you out easily. They'll forget about their brother's professionally constructed cape and fall in love with the one they helped make. And when you do have the time to put some effort into a more custom cape, you can use my ebook guide on how to make 9 easy sew and non sew superhero cape variations.I will show you how you can whip up a quick cape for your child when you think you don't have the time or the supplies to make one. These instructions outline how to make a no sew superhero cape. This cape style is not meant to be given as a gift or to be sold, however it will satisfy your child in the meantime while you find the perfect cape pattern and materials.Step 1: Iron the wrinkles and folds of a pillowcase.Step 2: Apply fusible web or hot glue the top edge open edge of the pillowcase and fold over about 2" and press with iron. If using hot glue fold over top edge about 2.5" and press down. This will make a casing to string your ribbon or elastic through. So make sure you fold over enough to be able to bring ribbon through.Step 3: Attach a safety pin to the end of the ribbon/string/shoe lace and feed through the casing of the pillowcase.Step 4: Once you've completed the steps above you can cut out your child initial or come up with a quick design and glue onto the pillowcase cape. And there you have it! A pillowcase in less than 20 min... maybe even 10.
If your child wants to help out, I highly recommend using fabric glue. That will take some time to dry, so if it's urgent that it dry right away, I recommend that an adult applies the hot glue gun onto the top edge for the casing. Once completely cooled, have child string the ribbon through the casing. The fun part comes when they embellish the cape!
If your child wants to help out, I highly recommend using fabric glue. That will take some time to dry, so if it's urgent that it dry right away, I recommend that an adult applies the hot glue gun onto the top edge for the casing. Once completely cooled, have child string the ribbon through the casing. The fun part comes when they embellish the cape!