Bible Study Activities
- Journal writing is the practice of writing and recording your thoughts on a certain subject. Bible journal writing is done in a similar manner as science or weather journals. First, read your Bible passage or scripture.Then write in your journal. Make a practice of condensing the passages into some central ideas. Journal anything that stands out to you. Jot down any nuggets that you discover. Make notes to yourself about topics you want to study again in the future. Write about how the scripture made you feel and how you intend to apply them to your life. Write out any prayers or praise reports you have. A Bible journal is a good way to record your spiritual growth, too.
- Bible games are fun way to learn more about the scriptures. Games allow you to test your knowledge on a more interactive level. There are plenty of games available online or in Christian book stores. Invite some other Bible students over to join you in Bible trivia. If you don't have a trivia game ask every guest to bring a few questions with them. This is a good way to encourage reflection on what you've already learned. Play a matching game by writing your favorite Bible verse on a three by five card. On the back of the card write the chapter and verse the text is found. Practice memorizing the verses.
- Besides studying your favorite translation of the Bible, read some devotional books too. Supporting materials you could use for your study time would be a concordance, a topical Bible or a Bible atlas. A concordance gives an alphabetical list of words found in the Bible along with where they are located. An exhaustive concordance will also give the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of words. Digging up that information is an interesting study activity. Use a topical Bible to read more on a particular subject. Topical Bibles list all or most of the passages about a certain subject together. Some examples would be subjects on love, peace or grace. Tracing Bible history with a Bible atlas could help you understand better what you are studying. With an atlas you can see first hand the places Jesus preached and performed miracles. You can trace the trek of the patriarchs as they left Egypt and entered Canaan.