Relationship Advice - Warning Signs of Abuse
Unfortunately, things can sometimes escalate way beyond trying to get you to agree with your boyfriend's point of view, and the relationship can actually become abusive.
Are you in one of those relationships? Even though you might not want to admit it to yourself, it could be true nonetheless.
Ways the male in your life can be abusive...
Physical abuse.
The most obvious form of abuse.
Men can be physically abusive, ranging from something as simple as pushing you during a heated discussion to actually leaving marks on you from blows.
Many women tend to ignore the simple forms of physical abuse such as pushing or even having the man grab them by the arm when they are yelling.
The woman might not even want to admit the abuse is occurring.
But if your partner puts his hands on you, it is considered abuse.
Sexual abuse.
This is a dominating form of abuse.
If your boyfriend forces you to be intimate with him when you don't want to be, then it is considered abuse - plain and simple.
"No" actually does mean "no".
Verbal abuse.
As soon as your boyfriend becomes angered, he tends to make verbal assaults against you.
It doesn't matter if your boyfriend apologizes later because the next time he becomes angry it will happen all over again.
His apologies aren't sincere, therefore, they don't really mean enough.
He is often just trying to end a discussion he doesn't want to have.
If he is verbally abusing you now, then there's a good chance it could evolve into physical abuse at some point.
Emotional abuse.
Instead of yelling at you just to be abusive, your boyfriend tends to say specific things, intending to hurt your feelings, to pull you down.
It gives him pleasure to see he can bring you down in an argument so he knows exactly what to say to hurt you emotionally.
Trust abuse.
This occurs when your boyfriend takes advantage of your good nature.
He knows you are willing to overlook some of his indiscretions so he uses this knowledge to his advantage to get away with things.
He knows you trust him so now he is abusing your level of trust.
Cheating abuse.
Your boyfriend cheats on you and comes groveling back begging for mercy and forgiveness.
If you give it to him then you are, in essence, telling him he committed the ultimate betrayal and got away with it.
This will make it that much easier to do again.