Help With Marriage Problems For Couples Who Have Tried Counseling! - Don"t Waste Money on Therapy!
After wasting quite a bit of money and seeing no real improvement in their relationship, they want a better solution.
If you are looking for real help with your marriage problems, then this may be the most important article you ever read! A recent survey of couples who attended marriage counseling concluded that only 20% reported any improvement in their marriage.
And half of these ended up divorced! This is the same as the normal 50% divorce rate, even for the couples who thought counseling helped them! With an 80% failure rate, no wonder why there are so many divorces.
It is apparent from this study that traditional marriage counseling has not been an effective solution for help with marriage problems.
The reasons for this could be debated, but I believe it's because of the "old school" model it works from.
Since most of these "experts" received their training and education in individual therapy, they place their focus on the growth and happiness of the individual.
There is certainly nothing wrong with this model, but it doesn't work very well for a marriage.
In fact, many of these counselors actually know very little at all about saving marriages, focusing instead on helping the couple to "communicate" better, when communication is usually not even the main problem! My wife and I spent quite a bit of money on marriage counseling, got no lasting benefit from it, and nearly divorced! It wasn't until I made a very important discovery about marriage that things began to get better.
Our marriage is now better than we ever thought possible, but only after I took a leap of faith and took a radical approach that is different than anything we learned in counseling.