Gain Muscle - How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle at the Same Time!
Some even go as far as having a debate on the issue, saying it is possible and others saying it is not.
What do you think? I'm sure you would very well want to know if there is a possibility in achieving the two simultaneously especially if you're one on the verge of either losing weight or gaining muscle.
Well my answer is a very big no, it is not possible to simultaneously achieve both, and that's what I'm about to show you.
You see, the catch is you can achieve both feats, not simultaneously but one after the other.
To lose weight requires going through cardio, eating a low fat, low carb or low calorie diet as well as lifting weights or exercising.
To gain muscle mass, one is required to go through little or no cardio, eat a high fat, carb or calorie diet and also lift weights.
So you see, aside from weight lifting or exercising, it is so obvious that the processes involved in gaining muscle mass and losing weight are very opposite.
People who try to do the two simultaneously always end up giving up eventually because there really are no results.
Just like I mentioned earlier, you can do both, but in phases.
So the possibility of losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time is actually not a possibility but an impossible feat, but for one who wants to gain muscle and lose weight can do so with dedication, commitment and motivation knowing that it's a one-after-the-other achievement.