Lucrative Article Writing - Uncover 4 Creative Methods to Accelerate Your Article Writing
They may not instantly draw in traffic for your website but once readers come across your well written, all original and very interesting pieces, you will eventually reap even more rewards in the process.
Uncover below the four creative methods that could help you accelerate your article writing skills: 1.
Never plagiarize.
This is most probably the most important rule in article writing.
Never swipe off articles from someone else and claim them as your own or use them in your website without giving the proper credit.
While you are free to read another person's work and get ideas and "inspiration" from their articles, you are not allowed to copy them word for word.
Come up with eye catching titles for your articles.
Be creative with your titles - don't be afraid to use flowery words, great adjectives and superlatives if these could help your titles become more attention-grabbing.
A lot of article writers also use the exclamation point in their article titles.
Give your articles a personal touch by inserting some of your experiences and even some of your thoughts and comments.
Readers will be able to relate to you and you can establish a rapport of sorts with your readers by inserting some of your personal experiences.
Inject humor in your articles! This can definitely stir interest in your articles.
Of course, you must know which articles can be flexible enough for you to insert comedic phrases or anecdotes.
Also, remember that not all readers would want to come across something funny in an article that's supposed to tackle a serious matter.