Christian Marriages - Why They"re Failing
What's that you say? Love God, live for God? Yes, that's what the Bible teaches.
However, somehow the church has kind of strayed from the Word of God and has decided to do their own thing.
This has really hurt Christian marriages and the image of the church as well.
In fact, it's one of the primary reasons for failed marriages in the church.
What Christians really need is a deeper more meaningful relationship with Christ then divorce would not be an option.
After all, they know Malachi 2:16 says, "God hates divorce" therefore; if God hates it they should hate it.
Another reason Christian marriages are failing is obedience to God and His Word.
The Bible is clear in John 14:15 when it says, "If you love me you will obey me.
" It's not easy to obey God, in fact, it's downright hard and especially this day and age where the Bible is distorted and taken out of context, even by supposedly men and women of God.
This tends to create confusion and discord in the church.
As you can see it's obvious by the divorce rate in Christian marriages that it's not getting better, but worse.
Okay, then what do Christians do? How can they reverse this trend? For this to change, as I stated previously, the church must have a closer more personal relationship with Christ.
To do this they must spend time with Him, read His Word and be committed to following Him.
In Mark 8:34 Jesus Himself said this, "Take up your cross and follow me.
" To conclude, Christian marriages can be as God intended if only Christians would be willing to love and obey Him and live their lives 'literally' according to His Word.
If they do this then divorce in the church will not be an option.