Winning Back Her Heart
Even if this is the case, your relationship needs special attention to get back on track again.
You could just walk away thinking the relationship was not meant to be.
Letting go it is not always available to us and we need to find ways to revive the relationship.
Restore the passion and win her heart back: Forgiveness Don't over extend it.
Don't plead, or beg forgiveness.
Getting her to forgive you is not the intension of the apology, it is to show her that you know you have made a mistake and you are man enough to admit it.
Being brief is as simple as saying "I am really sorry about -.
My feelings have not changed; I still care about you and want to be with you.
Stay Strong but Gentle One of the biggest turn offs is begging, this is a sure fire way how not to win her heart back.
Begging will make you appear weak and desperate.
Be confident and strong! Women are drawn to men who can take control of a situation and take care of themselves.
You need to show her that you are capable of dealing with a challenging situation.
Displaying this strength is all about showing her how much you care and respect her decision and that you are an emotionally secure person that she may actually want in her life.
Respect is essential in any relationship and is the foundation to love, if your partner doesn't respect you they cannot love you.
If you have just become single, the best thing you can do is to use it as an opportunity to rediscover who you are when you're on your own in the world.
Do the things that made you happy before the relationship and try to identify what direction you want to take your life in.
Respect is won by respecting yourself first; you need to have a purpose, a direction in your life, not just living day to day or weekend to weekend goal.
Do nice things Don't pay unhealthy amounts of attention to your ex-girlfriend's life, but feel free to ask after her through your mutual friends.
Email or SMS her if you see something you are very sure she would enjoy.
It's a nice way of letting her know that you are thinking of her and that you care about her being happy.
Hang In There If things are meant to work out then patience can be an ally to your cause.
Don't pressure her or yourself to recover the relationship, just let it take its course and let the friendship and trust build with time.
These are some brief ways on how to win her heart back.
Setting your goals on your ex girlfriend is something you really need to ensure is what you want.
It is bad karma to tell someone that you don't want them after you've gone to a lot of effort to win them over.
Give her the time she needs as well, leave it a few weeks before you attempt or start to repair your relationship, but brief apologies could come sooner, perhaps through via a method that doesn't encourage a response from your ex partner.
It's not something to be rushed, as she will need the distance and time and it is most likely that you will also need it as well.