Help! My Husband Has Man Boobs!
First of all, don't panic. Your man is not abnormal; neither is he turning into a woman. A lot of men develop these pockets of fat around the chest area for various reasons. Some are hormonal, which you should get checked out by your doctor. The others are down to age and sadly, weight gain. Has your fella been piling on the pounds lately? Is he getting on a bit? Happily, you can do something about the latter two reasons without the medical aid but you will have to tactfully broach the subject first.
You know you love him, you married him didn't you? For better or for worse and all that. So be gentle with him. He may have noticed the situation himself and could be embarrassed so for heaven's sake don't try to make a joke of it. Make sure he knows you still love him (and find him sexy) and that you're just worried for his health. Once he has resolved to do something about the problem, you must let him know he has your full support.
So what is to be done about eliminating man boobs? Once you have seen the doctor and are sure that no medical intervention is required you should be thinking of your other options. Surgery is one, but it's scary, expensive, takes a long time to get over and doesn't always work. There are loads of pills on the market too. Again, expensive and they don't always work.
Probably the best way to go is with a comprehensive program of diet and exercise which will shave off the man boobs and bring back the sexy svelte guy you married.
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