Does He Loves Me - This is What You Need to Know
But even if they don't come straight out and say it, they usually give off a few sure signs.
Here's what you need to be on the look out for.
How attentive is he to your needs? If the guy is always thinking about himself, his fun and what he enjoys, he's either extremely selfish or simply not that into you.
When a guy starts to feel the love in his heart, he wants to do whatever he can to please his girl.
How supportive has he been? While you don't want to come on with a problem every time you see him, an occasional mishap should have him offering a helping hand.
If he refuses to help and doesn't even want to be bothered listening to what's going wrong in your life, you really don't matter very much to him.
A loving man will do what he can to be your hero.
He'll either make things right or will at least be able to show concern and caring for your troubles.
How committed is he to you? You've got to come to the realization that things aren't really going the way you want if he's still seeing other women.
This might be okay for a few dates, after all he's just testing the waters, but once you get on a steady stream of dates, you should be the only one.
No excuses.
When a man starts to feel his heart swell for that particular woman, he's not going to want to be with anyone else.
What does he say to you? If everything he says revolves strictly around him, he might not be looking towards a future with you.
When a man starts to fall in love, his brain automatically starts to see the future in twos.
It will be 'we're going,' or 'let's get our things,' and 'this is for us.
' Look carefully for these signs and be honest as you make your assessments.
Some guys who are practiced players can be very good at making everything look great on the surface.
But if you scratch just a bit, you'll be able to see whether he really loves you or not.