The Best Way To Get Your Ex Wife Back - Want To Know What It Is?
Do you remember how things were between the two of you when you were first married? You were happy - life was great. Then, all of a sudden, things are horrible and your marriage falls apart.
No matter how it seems, this didn't happen 'all of a sudden'. It took time to get this bad, but either you didn't notice it, or you both chose to ignore the problems, hoping they would go away. This happens in a LOT of marriages. It is much easier to ignore the problems than it is to face them.
The very best way to get your ex wife back is to start to talk to her. Don't try to have a full conversation with her at first - keep it short and sweet. Compliment her or just say hi and ask how she's been.
After you do this a few times, then you can invite her to lunch or for coffee and just talk about things that you know won't bring up any past problems, and stir up bad memories. Talk about things that make her happy. Things that make her feel safe, or comfortable. The more comfortable she feels around you, the faster you can win her heart back.
Do little things that she likes. You could send her a card, or flowers, or something little that you know she will like. Don't do anything drastic - a nice card that tells her that you're thinking of her would be perfect. Enough to let her know that she is in your thoughts, and nothing mushy that will make her feel like you are trying to push her into getting back together.
She may not want to talk as soon as you do - that's ok - just be persistent and ALWAYS be nice to her, no matter what you may be feeling. She is very likely just trying to protect herself from the possibility of getting hurt again. This is a natural feeling, and it will go away. No matter how hard you want to, don't try to MAKE her come back to you.
She did love you enough to marry you, right? Love like that is REAL love. It may fade, but it never goes away. She will feel that love again, and she will want to be with you more and more. Don't bring up the past - your new relationship with your ex wife will be better than ever.