Save Your Marriage In One Week
Divorces result due to couples being unwilling and unable to withstand their differences.
Statistics show that over 2 million couples every year, go down this path.
It's sad that these numbers are preventable, if only good communication were maintained.
It's not a simple task to be able to keep the level of affection, trust and communication in your marriage at an acceptable level, but to save any marriage, you need to truly consider all these factors.
Misunderstandings occur and are typical for a couple.
When two people make the decision to live the life of a married couple together, they will eventually discover the individuality of their partner.
As each day passes by, the couple having lived with each other, day in and day out, will notice small differences, that down the road, will lead to misunderstandings.
Ideally, when this occurs, a couple should sit together and openly talk about these issues and do their best to arrive at a possible solution.
Unfortunately, life is not always ideal, so all that's left is for us to handle things as best as we know how.
Now if you were given one week to save your marriage, do you believe you could accomplish it? Here are some tips to help you along your way: 1.
Avoid asking questions that usually end with negative responses.
No one likes to be put down or put on the defensive, so try not to make the person that you once vowed to love,cherish and protect, to experience this unpleasantness, as no good will result from it.
Trust will then become an issue in your marriage and will lead to one-sided scrutiny, where they will question your every move.
It may be hard to prevent your partner from acting this way, but do your part and refuse such behaviour yourself.
Don't doubt your partner unless there is credible reason to do so, keep those suspicions to yourself, at least until you're able to gather more information.
Learn to love unconditionally.
Just like the meaning itself, it means to love someone regardless of one's actions or beliefs.
It therefore, is a love that has no condition and no bounds, it's a true form of love.
This kind of love will allow you to see past all of your partner's flaws, it's a love that conquers all.
Learn how to become a good, faithful and supportive partner.
Sometimes failure or defeat can be good experiences for you to learn from and allow you to grow and become better.
Be ready to admit your mistakes when u make them and mature through the experience.
Show your partner how important your marriage is to you and make them realise that nothing will stop you to fight for its survival.
Learn what factors can kill relationships and how to avoid them.
Like, for example, not keeping your promises.
Don't make them, if you can't fulfil them, this happens a lot in any relationship.
If you ever do break one, make sure to explain in detail, why it happened and that the reason is valid.
You don't want to make up excuses, honesty can go a long way.
Don't let your pride rule over your emotions and actions and never disregard the feelings or concerns of your partner.
Never force things on your partner that they are uncomfortable with and more importantly, disrespecting them.
Being unable to control your temper or emotions can lead to trouble but most of all, don't lie, trust is crucial in any successful marriage.
With everything said, the task of saving your marriage in one week is not impossible.
It won't be easy, but as long as you're willing to put in the hard work, you stand a good chance of succeeding.
I wish you all the best.