Know how do you change your name after marriage
The process seems easy but actually it is quite complicated. Visiting different offices, collecting name change applications, filling many application forms and submitting the duly filled and signed forms to the concerned offices is a time taking and tedious process. The most complicated part of the process is filling many application forms with utmost clarity.
Since you know "how do you change your name after marriage", you might want trying changing your name on your own. A majority of married women take "do it yourself" route but they give up when they find that the process is really time consuming. You could collect forms but you would certainly seek help when filling many application forms.
Precaution an applicant needs to take when entering details in name change application forms is that every detail should be legible and authentic. It should be noted that badly written forms, cutting and overwriting are rejected and you can't ask the officers for the basis of rejection of your name change application forms. So be careful, if you are trying changing your name on your own.
After knowing "how do you change your name after marriage" and trying it on your own, you would regret your decision of not taking help. There are service providers that provide real help and the good thing is that this help is available at no extra cost. Smart women take help and save time. By not taking help, you only save money and not time. If you are working women then be prepared for taking long leave from work as you would require spending much time in visiting offices and filling forms.
Name could be changed after marriage only when you have certified copy of your marriage certificate. Also you would require submitting your identification documents in original with the name change application forms. If you considering apply for name change right after getting marriage certificates then you might cancel your post marriage travel plans as your identification documents won't be with you.
Know "how do you change your name after marriage" for your knowledge but take help when changing name.