Burn More Calories to Lose Weight
Are you looking for ways to burn more calories to lose weight? The key is to do things designed to boost your metabolism.
Your metabolism is your internal engine and the better you can get it running the more fat and calories you will burn off your body.
If you would like to give your calorie burning a jump start then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.
Burn More Calories 1.
Add strength training exercises.
Just 20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day will help you keep and build muscle.
Why is this important? Because every pound of muscle you have on your body takes about 50 calories to maintain during the day.
If you could add just 2 pounds of muscle this year your body would burn an extra 3,000 every month (that is one pound a month that you would lose without changing your eating habits!) 2.
Burn more calories all day long from 20 minutes of interval training.
You might be getting the idea that I am not one to promote hour long workouts and you are right.
Study after study shows that the real weight loss benefits come when you use shorter duration / higher intensity workouts.
Change your cardio routine and set the timer for 20 minutes and then alternate between one minute high effort intervals and one minute low effort intervals.
You will stimulate your metabolism and burn more calories and fat for the next 24 hours.
Trade in refined carbohydrates for protein at snack time.
Refined carbohydrates digest too quickly giving your a surge of insulin which makes fat making easier and fat burning harder.
Protein digests slowly and stimulates the release of glucagon a hormone that counters the fat making properties of insulin.
Give yourself an advantage by having low-fat cheese, cottage cheese or nuts as a snack instead of grabbing a candy bar out of the vending machine.
You can burn more calories and lose weight when you get your metabolism in tip-top shape.
Your metabolism is your internal engine and the better you can get it running the more fat and calories you will burn off your body.
If you would like to give your calorie burning a jump start then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.
Burn More Calories 1.
Add strength training exercises.
Just 20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day will help you keep and build muscle.
Why is this important? Because every pound of muscle you have on your body takes about 50 calories to maintain during the day.
If you could add just 2 pounds of muscle this year your body would burn an extra 3,000 every month (that is one pound a month that you would lose without changing your eating habits!) 2.
Burn more calories all day long from 20 minutes of interval training.
You might be getting the idea that I am not one to promote hour long workouts and you are right.
Study after study shows that the real weight loss benefits come when you use shorter duration / higher intensity workouts.
Change your cardio routine and set the timer for 20 minutes and then alternate between one minute high effort intervals and one minute low effort intervals.
You will stimulate your metabolism and burn more calories and fat for the next 24 hours.
Trade in refined carbohydrates for protein at snack time.
Refined carbohydrates digest too quickly giving your a surge of insulin which makes fat making easier and fat burning harder.
Protein digests slowly and stimulates the release of glucagon a hormone that counters the fat making properties of insulin.
Give yourself an advantage by having low-fat cheese, cottage cheese or nuts as a snack instead of grabbing a candy bar out of the vending machine.
You can burn more calories and lose weight when you get your metabolism in tip-top shape.