How to Create an Autism Support Group
- 1). Find a location. Many churches, religious centers, and public centers such as libraries or senior centers offer space for free. Look in the phone book and call these places or meet with them in person and tell them your plans to create an autism support group. If possible, have a flier prepared to give to them.
- 2). Make a flier. Your flier doesn't need to be anything fancy. It can just say "Autism Support Group" or even better, "Autism Empowerment Group" and also a paragraph explaining the groups mission would also be recommended. If you like, you can also add a picture of yourself and if you have a child with autism, you may also include him.
- 3). Post your flier around local areas. Most coffee shops and book stores have a wall for posting these kind of things. Also, many grocery stores have an area for posting up fliers. You can also walk around the local area and see if any shops would be interested in putting your flier up.
- 4). Inquire with local autism organizations about information from them to share with your group. Also ask if they would help advertise your group by allowing their clients to know of its existence. You may also ask people from these organizations if they would have an interest in speaking at one of your group meetings.
- 5). Create an agenda and structure for the support group. Make a list up of how the structure of the group will go. One suggestion is to start off with a speaker and then have everyone introduce themselves and then go into group discussion.
- 6). Have icebreakers. A good icebreaker for people with autism is "two truths and a lie." Many people with autism find it a little challenging to lie, which makes this both a fun and excellent icebreaker. In two truths and a lie, every person present is given a card and writing utensil. Every person is to write two truths about themselves and one lie about themselves. Once the truths and lies are written, everyone takes turns reading their cards and having everyone guess which item on the list is a lie.
- 7). Have someone with high-functioning autism attend the group. This will add the valued perspective of someone on the spectrum, giving parents a deeper understanding of what goes in the mind of their child.
- 8). Focus on empowerment. Deter people who put other people down or attack others. The purpose of a support group is to help everyone. Don't let more than one person talk at a time.
- 9). Give everyone enough time to talk. If someone is talking for too long and others are not getting a chance to say anything, then politely tell him you have to move onto another topic or give someone else a chance to talk.
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Give others the opportunity to give input on the group. Ask them what they want and expect from the group. Let them feel like they are a part of the group. - 11
Give people in the group responsibilities. By giving them responsibilities they will further feel like they are a part of the group. Possible responsibilities may include someone being responsible for getting pens for the group or collecting them afterwards. You can also have a food sign-up sheet where people volunteer each week to bring something. You can also have individuals on the spectrum help out by being responsible for setting up and cleaning up.