Homemade Bread Recipes - Which One is Right For You?
For those of us wishing to learn how to create good healthy food for our families, the choices can sometimes be a little overwhelming.
There are so many different homemade bread recipes out there that it can be very daunting to find the one that is right for you.
Even when you do find a source of information you feel you can trust, how do you decide what to bake? A good place to begin is to be clear about what it is you want.
Ask yourself some questions to discover what exactly you are trying to find.
Are you looking for an every day loaf that you can use for toast and sandwiches?
There are so many different homemade bread recipes out there that it can be very daunting to find the one that is right for you.
Even when you do find a source of information you feel you can trust, how do you decide what to bake? A good place to begin is to be clear about what it is you want.
Ask yourself some questions to discover what exactly you are trying to find.
Are you looking for an every day loaf that you can use for toast and sandwiches?
- It is important to be realistic if you are new to bread making because you may find that once you make homemade bread, your family just devours it and you will be making bread more often than you may have anticipated.
- Now this could be a possibility if you would like to try your hand at making bread but you are not yet ready to commit yourself.
This is also something you will want to master before the big day but can be lots of fun to do and the kids (or your partner) can even join in all the fun.
- Learning how to make your own pizza bases can be fun for the whole family and trying out a whole range of toppings just adds to the enjoyment.
There is nothing like homemade pizza and you will never want to be eating frozen or shop bought pizza again!
- Something simple like soda bread (sometimes called Irish Soda Bread or even Damper in Australia) is a good place to start.
This is a nice quick bread recipe which will have you removing a steaming hot loaf from the oven in as little as an hour.
- It is useful to look at the ingredients to ensure they are written in language you can relate to.
Are the ingredients listed the same in your country as the country of origin for that recipe? - Are the weights and measures understandable or easily transferable to your weights or temperature measurement system?
- Can you get hold of the right kinds of flour, yeast and other ingredients?