White Spots on Facial Skin
- Leucoderma is a condition that results in loss of pigment in the skin. There is no specific treatment, but avoid using harsh cosmetics, powders or soaps.
- Fungus can cause a condition called tinea versicolor, which causes white spots on the face's skin, according to HealthGuidance.com. Frequent washing of the face and the use of antifungal creams can treat this condition.
- Rinse your face in diluted apple cider if fungal infection has caused white spots. This will prevent an overgrowth of yeast, according to Health Guidance.
- Ketcanazole, found in anti-dandruff shampoo, may help treat white spots on your face. Scrub your face with these shampoos using a cotton ball.
- Avoid direct sunlight if your face has white spots. Wear sunscreen if you need to go out in the sun.