How Unhealthy Can Overweight Be?
Being overweight may mean that you have either extra fat or extra muscles.
If it is fat that contributes to those extra pounds, it could be to your detriment as it increases the risk of heart problems, cancer and diabetes.
But if muscle weight is the reason for your overall excess weight, you would not have much to worry about.
Exercise is a must for those suffering from overweight.
A regular workout schedule can help reduce substantial weight thereby reducing related health risks.
Exercise coupled with a good diet keeps you safe from other general health problems in addition to bringing down the excess weight.
For instance, regular exercise will help you minimize the likelihood of getting heart disease, although you will still be at the risk of problems such as diabetes.
In fact, being overweight through your middle age - through your 40s or 50s - puts you at risk of developing cardiac problems later in life.
Yet, you must remember that just being thin will not make you immune to health risks.
The weighing scale is not an absolute indicator of your overall health since even thin people can develop health issues for lack of adequate exercise.
Exercise is a basic prerequisite to maintaining overall health, irrespective of your body constitution or weight.
Physical activity is central to maintaining healthy muscle mass and tone.
It is recommended that you follow a 30 minute workout at least five days a week at a minimum.
If you are looking at losing weight, you will need to increase both duration as well as the intensity of your workout.
Eat healthy and keep active - perhaps the best piece of advice one can give.