Colonoscopists and Rates of Procedures Per Year
Colonoscopists and Rates of Procedures Per Year
Individuals' volume per annum was plotted against CIR. The trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 125 procedures (Figure 1).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (20–49, 50–99, 100–149, 150–199, 200–249, 250–299, 300–349, 350–399, groups of 50— Table 1 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 120 procedures (Figure 2).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (groups of 20— Table 2 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 115 procedures (Figure 3).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (groups of 10— Table 3 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 110 procedures (Figure 4) Table 4 .
Individuals' volume per annum was plotted against CIR. The trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 125 procedures (Figure 1).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (20–49, 50–99, 100–149, 150–199, 200–249, 250–299, 300–349, 350–399, groups of 50— Table 1 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 120 procedures (Figure 2).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (groups of 20— Table 2 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 115 procedures (Figure 3).
If operators are grouped with those undertaking a similar volume per annum (groups of 10— Table 3 ), when plotting these groups against combined CIR, trend-line crosses 90% CIR standard at approximately 110 procedures (Figure 4) Table 4 .