Can My Cat Give Me AIDS?
Can Cats Even Get AIDS? Yes they can.
Just like humans, cats are susceptible to the HIV virus which can lead to AIDS (although in cats, the disease is known as FIV - feline immunodeficiency virus).
Your cat cannot give you AIDS though.
Cats can only give other cats the disease.
Will My Cat Die From AIDS? Unfortunately it will die from AIDS because just like with human, there is no cure for Feline Aids.
Should I Have My Cat Put Down If She Has AIDS? That is a personal decision which can only be made by a cat owner.
Rather than watch their cats suffer through AIDS, some people put them down.
Others may choose to care for them all their days.
If My Cat Has AIDS, How Will I Know It? You may not realize it at first.
The primary symptoms such as fever, unusual behavior, loss of teeth, weight loss, and a pesky cold may not be alarming to you.
As the condition worsens, your pet may lose its appetite or not be capable of feeding itself.
In the final stage of AIDS, the cat's immune system will totally stop working, and it will become extremely sick as its organs quit functioning.
How Do Cats Get AIDS & What Can I Do To Prevent It? The HIV virus is usually transferred between cats by biting, from the saliva of an infected cat to the blood of another feline.
Occasionally but not often the condition can be given to kittens by their mothers.
Outdoor felines are more at risk because they are more likely to come into contact with feral cats.
Therefore, keeping your pet(s) indoors and away from strays is the best preventive measure you can take.
If you are concerned that your cat may have AIDS, ask your veterinarian to perform an AIDS test on your pet.
You can also make this test a routine part of your cat's annual check-up to prevent yourself from worrying.
Just like humans, cats are susceptible to the HIV virus which can lead to AIDS (although in cats, the disease is known as FIV - feline immunodeficiency virus).
Your cat cannot give you AIDS though.
Cats can only give other cats the disease.
Will My Cat Die From AIDS? Unfortunately it will die from AIDS because just like with human, there is no cure for Feline Aids.
Should I Have My Cat Put Down If She Has AIDS? That is a personal decision which can only be made by a cat owner.
Rather than watch their cats suffer through AIDS, some people put them down.
Others may choose to care for them all their days.
If My Cat Has AIDS, How Will I Know It? You may not realize it at first.
The primary symptoms such as fever, unusual behavior, loss of teeth, weight loss, and a pesky cold may not be alarming to you.
As the condition worsens, your pet may lose its appetite or not be capable of feeding itself.
In the final stage of AIDS, the cat's immune system will totally stop working, and it will become extremely sick as its organs quit functioning.
How Do Cats Get AIDS & What Can I Do To Prevent It? The HIV virus is usually transferred between cats by biting, from the saliva of an infected cat to the blood of another feline.
Occasionally but not often the condition can be given to kittens by their mothers.
Outdoor felines are more at risk because they are more likely to come into contact with feral cats.
Therefore, keeping your pet(s) indoors and away from strays is the best preventive measure you can take.
If you are concerned that your cat may have AIDS, ask your veterinarian to perform an AIDS test on your pet.
You can also make this test a routine part of your cat's annual check-up to prevent yourself from worrying.