How to Save a Marriage - Incredibly Crucial Advice! Do Not Miss This at Any Cost
You have taken the righteous path and I want to help your situation by sharing my experience of how I saved my marriage.
When I learned that my husband wanted to divorce me I was quite shocked because I never saw it coming.
After realizing that he was serious about doing it I became somewhat frantic about the situation and I reached a point where I was begging him not to do it.
I knew that our marriage was not particularly the best, but I really loved being with him and I was willing to do anything to save my marriage.
I pleaded with him trying to convince him that I learned the mistakes I made and that I would never do them again.
Did this help the situation at all? Nope.
The tears and drama did nothing but make my husband more and more fed up with me.
What you need to do is to resist the urge that your instincts tell you to do.
If you are desperate like I was, your instincts will probably tell you to beg and cry to him.
Do your very best not to let this happen as it only makes things worse.
You need to follow some outside advice like you are doing right now.
I had to learn this the hard way, but I was lucky enough to save my marriage in the end.