How to Get Your Girlfriend Back - Tricks to Try to Woo Her Back to YOU!
Here are some proven tricks to try to woo back your girlfriend:
1. Get on her good side by becoming like a ghost. When your ex girlfriend is REALLY mad at you, sometimes the best thing for you to do is to just stay away from her for a while. I am sure that you have been mad at someone before and realized that with time, whatever made you mad did not seem like such a big deal. Well, the same thing can work when it comes to your ex girlfriend.
2. Make her jealous by living a GOOD life. This is one of those classic bits of advice, but it flat out works. You can provoke a little jealousy in your ex girlfriend by living a good life. Just think of what your ex girlfriend will feel when she sees that your life seems to have improved without her. Don't let the breakup make you enter into a downward spiral and let your life get messed up in the process.
3. Use female psychology tricks to get under her skin.With the proper use of female psychology techniques, you can make it hard for your ex girlfriend to NOT think about you. And when she finds her mind always coming back to you, that will naturally make her feel like she should be open to giving you another shot at a relationship.
Want to know WHAT female psychology secrets will PULL your ex girlfriend back to YOU?