One Easy Way to Make Money You May Have Never Even Thought Of
Working in a day job yourself at $15 dollars an hour, you think to yourself, it would take me 30 years to save that much.
You may even think, all he did was get a loan to buy such an expensive and wasteful purchase.
But who would do that.
I assure you that someone driving something that has a value equivalent to a house, would not have borrowed the money but rather simply just had it as discretionary income.
If you look at rich people and sometimes wonder if they know something you don't know about making money, you may be right.
Your suspicions, however subtle or mild, are absolutely correct.
What wealthy people know about making money is that using leverage is the key.
There are many types of leverage, the three main ones are time leverage, people leverage and money leverage.
Each of these has their own advantages and dis-advantages, however, it is important to understand that what leverage does is speed up existing results.
If you devised an income yourself that makes you just $5 dollars a day, you can instantly use leverage to increase that dramatically.
However if your system costs you $5 dollars a day, then using leverage will speed that loss up and you will lose much more a day.
Leverage just amplifies an existing result.
So the key to using leverage is making sure, your income system makes money, even a little, then you can apply any of the types of leverage to magnify your returns exponentially.
Here is one easy way to make some money using leverage.
In this case we will use time leverage to access a residual income.
All you have to do is join an affiliate program that allows anyone to earn a commission on a sale.
Sign up and get your tracking code, then go to related forums on the topic of the product you chose.
So for example, if you found a cool dog training course, you could join all the dog forums.
In most forums, they allow users to put a line at the bottom of each post, simply put your tracking code and a short description of your product and that's it.
Now go ahead and make constructive and interesting posts that are helpful, you will start making sales and this income will be residual.
Make 10000 posts over a few months on 30 different forums and you will have a wall of residual income in no time.