My Husband Is Emotionally Distant - What To Do When Your Husband Is Acting Distant
I remember thinking, "OK.
It is obvious that my husband is emotionally distant.
What can I do for this?".
It was getting worse and worse and I was heading right on to divorce.
As time passed, I got more desperate to save my marriage, but I couldn't think of anything else than begging or crying to my husband.
But, I was taught what to do when your husband is acting emotionally distant, and I made incredible progress in a short time and saved my marriage.
Looking back, what I was doing wrong with the whole "my husband is emotionally distant, what do I do? What do I do?" desperation was the desperation itself.
It made me all the wrong things, and it made me do the one thing that you should never do if you want to save a relationship: Making yourself look sad in hopes that your husband will show more interest and love for you.
What usually happens is the exact opposite.
When your husband is distant emotionally, you need to understand that men need space in any kind of relationship.
They are not like wives who want nothing to be in between them and their husbands.
A man needs space, and if you do not give it to him, he will emotionally claim that space anyway.
And that means he will be distant from you.
The wrong thing, therefore, is to pressure him more about everything when your husband is emotionally distant.
Be calm and be yourself.
Talking about the situation is good only if you are sure you will not be overwhelmed by emotion and start crying.
Men like independent, lively women; they especially escape from relationships in which they see that the woman is too dependent on them, because it means more responsibility.
So, starting today, give him the space he needs.
Don't forget, a man needs space, and if you don't give it to him, you'll soon start thinking "my husband is emotionally distant, and there is nothing I can do about it!" like I have.