How to Paint a Mirage
- 1). Sketch a rough image of a pear with dabs of lemon yellow acrylic paint on dry paper. There is no need to make a strong outline.
- 2). Let dry.
- 3). Wet paper and paint a graded wash of a mixture of yellow and raw sienna watercolor over the whole sheet, pear and all.
- 4). Lift many spots here and there with a soft, clean brush. Lifting means exposing the lighter layer underneath. It should look as if the pear is glimmering in the air.
- 1). Sketch a pear with a thin layer of gold acrylic paint. Let dry.
- 2). Paint over the entire sheet with a mid to dark blue-gray watercolor wash. Let dry.
- 3). Lift many areas of the pear by dabbing with a soft, clean and dampened brush or paper towel. The acrylic will be insoluble and the watercolor soluble, so the top layer can easily be removed. The gold paint contains a small amount of mica, which contributes to the glittery look.
- 1). Wet paper.
- 2). Apply a medium tone of Lunar Black on the rough watercolor paper.
- 3). Lift paint with a clean, damp brush while the sheet is still wet, or use a piece of paper towel. Dab in the shape of a tree, an apple or a face. Notice how bits of the dark paint rest in the indentations of the paper, giving the whole sheet a mottled look like stone. Artist Stephen Quiller suggests agitating the paper while it is drying, giving the paint even more time to settle in the cracks.
- 4). Add a pale wash of transparent colors on the mirage if desired.