Instructions for Murals
- 1). Choose the subject matter and painting style you will use to paint your mural. Consider cityscapes, landscapes, seascapes, crowd scenes or other large scale subjects. Draw thumbnail sketches of the mural's overall design. Make studies and drawings of small details you will use in the mural. Finish a detailed drawing of the composition.
- 2). Draw a grid over the drawing using 1-inch squares. Use the scale of 1 inch equals 1 foot. Grid the mural's blank surface with 1-foot squares using chalk. Wash off the chalk after you finish the drawing. To save time, enlarge and project an image of the drawing onto the wall using an overhead projector. Trace the outlines of the design.
- 3). Select the type of paint best adapted to your mural. Use inexpensive latex house paint, craft-grade acrylics or artist's grade acrylic paint for indoor murals. Calculate how much paint you will need using the general rule that one gallon will cover 400 square feet. Add an extender medium if you're using expensive paint. Buy primer that's compatible with your type of paint. Use enamel or mural-grade acrylic for outdoor works. Add acrylic hardener medium for greater durability.
- 4). Scrub and clean your mural surface. Prime it for smoothness and good paint adhesion. Scrape off existing deteriorated paint. Block in background colors and large forms using a roller and your largest flat brushes. Paint with your brushes taped to poles or frequently step back to check your work. Focus on the unified overall composition as you paint, don't overwork small areas.
- 5). Paint in the details of your mural scene using medium- to small-sized brushes. Develop your color scheme so all the hues work together. Place complementary colors side by side to amplify their intensity. Put your darkest areas next to the lightest areas for intensified contrast. Finish the details with your smallest filbert and round-pointed brushes. Add the accented highlights last. Varnish the mural to protect it.