How to Get Rid of Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
- 1). Contact your local agricultural extension office for the best method to remove poison oak and ivy in your area.
- 2). Pull poison oak or ivy if you have only a few small plants in your garden. Make sure to remove all underground runners. Dig down into the soil at least 8 inches.
- 3). Hire a herd of goats to eat the poison plants in your garden. Goats are voracious consumers of poison oak and ivy. Nurseries or the agricultural extension office can point you in the direction of goats for hire. (Note: Even if you use this method, you will still have to dig out the roots.)
- 4). Use a glyphosphate-based herbicide to kill the plants. Glyphosphate is a nonselective herbicide and will kill any plant it comes in contact with. Keep it away from your landscape plants. Herbicide works best on poison oak that has already formed berries.