DIY Divorce in Maryland
- 1). Consult your county's pro se self help center for guidance specific to your individual situation before investing your time and effort in filling out the necessary forms, especially if you have minor children.
- 2). Go to the website for the Family Adminsitration section of the Maryland Judiciary, where you will find a menu of family law forms in PDF format. There is a checklist available to help you determine whether you are eligible for an absolute or a limited divorce and which forms apply to your case.
- 3). Complete the forms online and print them, or print blank forms to be filled out at a later date. If you have questions, the Maryland Women's Law Center operates a statewide Legal Forms Helpline.
- 4). Bring all of the forms to your court clerk's office and obtain a certified copy and a summons for service on the other party. You can, if you wish, arrange to have service performed by the Sheriff's Department at this time.
- 5). Have the other party served with copies of all papers. If you are not having the Sheriff's Department perform the service, you will need to print out the appropriate affidavit form from the judiciary website.
- 6). Follow all instructions from the court in a timely and respectful manner.