Ceramic Grinder Vs. Conical Burr
- Made of either porcelain or wood, a ceramic grinder uses a hand-turned metal crank attached to two burred plates to grind coffee beans. The grounds are then deposited into a hopper located at the bottom of the grinder. Most ceramic grinders come with only an automatic drip setting.
- A conical burr grinder is an electric steel grinder that utilizes a set of hard plates with sharpened edges rubbing together to grind coffee. The coarseness of the grounds is controlled using settings on the grinder. The closer the blades are set, the finer the grounds will be. Ground coffee is deposited into a built-in collection bin.
- Although a ceramic grinder is quieter than a conical burr grinder, it requires more effort to operate than a ceramic grinder. Settings on a conical burr grinder can be changed to accommodate different types of coffee and brewing methods, but the electric components tend to wear out faster and require repair or replacement more frequently than ceramic grinders.