Religious People That Don"t Like Scientific Facts
If you're one of these people, I suggest that you read this entire article.
It's nice to have faith and believe in something until you have enough facts to change her mind.
If you believe that God is responsible for everything created by man, I can't argue with that.
This again would fall into the category of faith and we really don't have any proof that God is or isn't responsible for the things created by man.
This is a part of science that I understand and have spent a lot of time thinking about.
Nobody knows for a fact, which God or which scientific theory is responsible for the creation of the planet that we live on today.
There are some things that science can't prove and there are some things that religious people can't prove.
If you don't agree with that statement, there's a good chance that you're caught up in some type of brainwashing or haven't spent enough time educating yourself about science and religion.
If you agree with me, that there are some things that science and religion can't provide enough satisfactory scientific evidence to support the claims that they are making, we're on the same page.
That's a good thing and leaves your mind open instead of closed.
Religious believers who don't need scientific facts or evidence and choose to live their lives believing that this is all they need shouldn't be entitled to enjoy scientific technological advances.
Scientists have made advancements and continue to make advancements today.
Most people can't argue with that, as more things are invented with the hopes of benefiting humanity.
Religious followers who deny scientific facts or evidence, seem to be living entirely on faith.
This is what they have been taught and anyone who teaches against faith is considered to be some type of heretic.
These people truly believe that the devil or evil forces have infiltrated the non-believers mind and soul.
These are things that religious followers have been taught to believe, yet there is very little evidence to support this claim.
If you're going to live your life on faith, you shouldn't bury your head in the sand and ignore the facts that scientists are providing us with today.
It's hard to argue with the truth, no matter how you try to repackage it or manipulated.