When Your Girlfriend Needs Space - Give It To Her, Or She'll Find You Stifling And You'll
Loving someone with all your heart is a great feeling, but so easily, that attachment can being to fester to an unhealthy level where a lot of your identity is obtained through begin your girlfriends boyfriend. This is not good for you or her, and if you cannot find it within yourself to give your girlfriend privacy on occasion, she will eventually tire of this and leave you.
A desire for some alone time, or a night out with the girls on occasion is by no means a sign that your girlfriend is losing interest in you. Rather, these are simply healthy requests that anyone in a stable relationship needs to make from time to time. If there are indications that your girlfriend needs space, give it to her, and your relationship will become better as a result of it.
Encourage her a bit. Pick up a bottle of wine and one of her favorite books or movies. Get her some sumptuous bubble bath and then leave her for a night to spend with just herself for company. Go hang out with your buddies so she doesn't feel stifled, even while trying to have some alone time. It is also helpful to encourage her to spend time with your friends, and it is important that you do the same, that way when she does go out, she doesn't feeling like you are waiting by the door for her to get home.
After a bit of time apart, imagine all the things you'll have to talk about. And just because your girlfriend needs space does not mean she is going off of you in any way. Giving it to her will show great respect for her needs and is likely to help take your relationship to the next level.