Love - Is There an Expiration Date?
Remember when spring time started? At the very beginning of the spring season, you could just feel the good times of summer approaching and it seemed that love was in the air.
Statistics have a way of either putting things into perspective or just making you think about whats being reported.
What do I mean? Okay, here is one such statistic, 50% of all first time marriages will end in divorce.
Wow, nothing is more depressing than someone telling you that your marriage will end in divorce.
Is that enough to make you change your mind? Can your love for someone make you beat the statistics? I find it amazing when so many couples, profess their undying love, gets divorced after two or fives years of marriage.
Was it lust? Or was it love? I guess the world will never know.
When love is defined and you have an understanding as to what love is, how can you no longer love someone after two or five years? It's my belief that it was infatuation and lust, not love.
Is there an expiration date on love? It seems so, with these entire statistics going on here.
Many people will define love in different ways, but one thing is for sure, there is no expiration date on the emotion called love.
How unfortunate that very little example exist that will show us what love is and what it does.
One thing for sure, love is something that lasts and it's a commitment.
Not a commitment that's enforced with paper or a court order.
The commitment that love brings is forged in the heart of the man or woman who truly loves.
The expiration date only exists in your mind when you think the problems in your marriage or relationship cannot be worked out.
I know of couples who were happy because they made it to their third, fifth or tenth year of marriage.
When you see, read and hear about the many divorces in our society, you can't help but to wonder if your marriage will make it to year five.
I believe a marriage takes work when someone is pulling in the other direction.
Remember when you first fell in love, you would do anything to please or make the object of your affection happy.
It seems that in many marriages and relationships today, love, openness and honesty are replaced with tolerance.
Instead of loving each other, couples tolerate each other that is not what love is.
When two people love each other, they will find away to communicate.
They will also find away to, listen, understand and compromise when needed, to restore the relationship to harmony.
Is there an example of what love is? The only one worth looking at can be found in the bible.
You don't need to believe in God to read it, just have an open mind and read it for your self.
Its example and definition untainted by Hollywood and romance novels.
It is the example of examples in my experience and opinion.
1st Corinthians Chapter 13:4-7 4.
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5.
or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged.
It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Love has no expiration date.