How To Improve Your Marriage And Your Financial State
Too often, money problems lead to conflicts between the husband and wife but if each spouse knows how to respect their priorities, there's bound to be less issues moving forward.
The key is to have a balance between overspending and depriving yourselves of a good life.
Keeping the balance between the two requires effort.
If you know what you should do and what you should prioritize, you will enjoy a happy relationship for the long term.
For instance, a psychological research has found that people get more satisfaction from buying experiences instead of material stuff.
This means that while your dinner date or holiday in a great destination may have ended, the happy and enriching experiences you had will remain with you for a lifetime.
Memorable times can lead to a good mood and give you lots of things to share with people through conversations.
On the other hand, material things such as clothes, shoes, jewelry and cars oftentimes give temporary satisfaction only.
And what's worse, they can give you problems later on particularly when you don't pay your credit card bills on time.
The advice of buying in bulk may no longer hold true today.
Research has found that a certain amount of money used in small purchases actually gives people more satisfaction than when buying in bulk or making big buys in one setting.
This means that you get more pleasure from spending on something small than making a big purchase.
So in the case of a dinner date between you and your spouse, for example, you're bound to enjoy more if you dine out at an affordable and cozy restaurant and doing this often than spending big at one time in an expensive restaurant.
Breaking the routine is also important.
Isn't it that life and marriage becomes more exciting when there's variety in what you do? Whether you're working in an office setting or at home, it would be a good idea to mix the food you eat every day.
Instead of eating lunch at a restaurant, why not bring a packed lunch from home and brewed coffee.
This way, you not only save money but you get more pleasure as well when the time comes to treat yourself and your partner to some surprises every now and then such as eating out at a new restaurant.
Being wise today in spending your money is another admirable trait.
Don't be a big spender and make expensive purchases most of the time.
Know how to handle your money and enjoy activities that you can only afford.
It's a matter of creativity and using your imagination.
Psychological studies have found that certain activities make people happy and they don't necessarily require much spending.
These include exercise, gardening, arts and crafts, music, engaging in religious activities and spending time in nature.
So remember, if you and your spouse work together to strike a balance in your life and in your finances, you can be sure to enjoy a satisfying marriage for a long time.