Permanent Penis Enlargement - Does it Really Exist?
Even gay men are putting much importance on this subject, which is why permanent penis enlargement has become very big business.
Before rushing to try out any of the numerous products being offered in the market today, take the time to review the facts about penis enlargement to make sure that you are not fooled by any false promises and that you are setting realistic goals for yourself.
First of all, you may think that you are not very well-endowed when in fact your penis may be of average size.
Take note that average penis size is five to seven inches when erect, measured from the tip of its head to the base at your abdomen.
So, if you have a six-inch organ, there is no need to berate yourself.
You are normal, and there is really no need to feel less than adequate.
But if, after finding that you have an average-sized penis, you still want to add an inch or two, there are several popular techniques you can take advantage of.
Here we discuss the most common methods used by men wishing for permanent penis enlargement.
Vacuum pumps are said to increase penis size by suctioning and forcing blood into your penile shaft.
This may sound reasonable to a lot of users and it is easy enough to perform.
Take note, however, that it has been reported to cause damage in your blood vessels which further result in loss of feeling and even impotence.
Since most men would not want to compromise performance in exchange of size, another method they consider is hanging weights in the belief that the size of their penis will increase with the repeated hanging of weights.
It does sound ridiculous, and there is no scientific basis for this method.
Furthermore, while it is possible that the method will increase the length of your penis over time, it certainly will not add to its thickness.
More normal methods of penis enlargement are surgery and exercise.
Surgeons can enlarge your penis by cutting the suspensory ligament.
There are, however, very few doctors who are willing to perform this procedure because of the high risks involved.
In lieu of surgery, there are those who espouse the virtues of conditioning and strength training exercises.
While there are those who are willing to swear to this technique, skeptics argue that the penis cannot be enlarged through exercise because it does not have any muscle that you can strengthen or condition.
Most of those who have been through this process recommend performing the exercises and complementing it with herbal supplements to optimize the results.
There are a number of pills that consist of natural herbs and are formulated to increase blood flow to your penis, thereby enlarging it.
Different pills work for different individuals so make sure to get all the information about the pills you want to try before actually taking them.
Take special note of the ingredients of the pill to make sure you are not allergic to any of the herbs used.
Always bear in mind that safety is more important than size.