After Pregnancy Weight Loss
After pregnancy weight loss can seem like an uphill struggle, but it is essential at this important time in your life to lose weight healthily and sensibly and you can do this by following just a few simple rules.
The results are worth it.
- Fad diets should be avoided at all costs - not only do they put strain on the body and the mind, the weight you lose is almost always put straight back on as soon as you return to normal eating patterns and they don't encourage healthy eating in children, which is a huge concern for all moms.
- Don't rush into a programme too soon after giving birth - experts recommend at least 2-3 months of rest to let your body recuperate.
During this time you should be eating healthy food, with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and you can start gentle exercise like walking, which will help you to burn calories and improve your leg muscle tone. - After 3 months start exercising more vigorously.
Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do and taking your baby with you means he or she will get used to the water early.
You can also start aerobic exercises and stretching at home or at the gym, improving your body tone and ensuring that your skin tightens as the weight starts coming off. - Weight training increases your metabolism, making fat burn much more quickly.
Don't be afraid that you'll 'bulk up' - only men bulk up due to testosterone.
Weight training after pregnancy will reduce your chance of experiencing back pain - an all round positive considering all the lifting and picking up you have to do with a baby around. - Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to see a huge improvement in your body.
Around 2.
5 litres a day will help you to feel full so you avoid snacking between meals.
It will also improve your sleep, fill you with energy and make your skin look fabulous.
It really is the cheapest and the easiest way to look and feel amazing.
The results are worth it.