Cake Decorating: How to Be an Expert Cake Decorator
However, when tapping into other sources, the choices become endless.
One area that is of particular interest when entertaining is the kind of cakes provided at the party.
Whether your party is for a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding or any other special occasion, knowing proper cake decorating techniques can prove invaluable.
If you find yourself a beginner, cake decorating ideas can be far and few between.
However, once you have found the perfect cake decorating book, being known as a beginner cake decorating individual will soon become a thing of the past! If you have always wanted to learn more about this lost art, now might be the perfect time to do so.
You are going to find a wide selection of ideas that will fit your idea for the perfect party.
Once you have secured the information needed, you will be well on your way to impressing your guests at your next party.
Depending on the specifics, let me relate a personal experience I had prior to entering the wonderful world of decorating cakes: I was looking over several magazines and various cookbooks to get some ideas one day when my mom stopped by for a visit.
She asked me what I was up to and I told her I was looking for a cake decorating idea to prepare a special cake for my husband's birthday.
Mom gave some sage advice by suggesting I keep it simple.
Mom has many years of experience when it comes to hosting a party and that went a long way telling me that she knew what she was talking about.
I remember how impressed her guests were with her cake decorating skills.
She also reminded me that it was not necessary to compete with the professionals.
The reason given was that it not only kept things simple but allowed both the guests and the host to interact.
This provided more time for all to just have fun.
Obviously, this rang true with me.
I not only wanted to impress my husband, I also wanted to enjoy the party and mingle with the guests.
Even so, I still desired something special for my husband's birthday and finding the perfect ideas were paramount in my mind.
As it so happened, he came home from work and saw all of the magazine articles and cookbooks spread out on the counter.
Because of this, I was able to pick his brain by asking him which one he would like.
He examined the literature and indicated that he really liked the idea of a fishing theme.
At this point, I was able to narrow down my cookbooks to a specialty cake decorating book that provided the information necessary to adequately decorate a cake to meet his request.
Once I had that information at my fingertips, I shopped for the equipment necessary to do the job right.
After I got the proper tools to do the decorating the right way, I set about decorating the cake.
First, I prepared the cakes for baking.
While those were baking, I prepared the frosting that would be used to decorate the cake with.
After the cakes were done baking, I let them cool for awhile.
Once that was done, I began applying the frosting, using my cake decorating tools.
Even though there was a bit of trial and error at first, I soon got the hang of it and actually started enjoying the whole decorating process.
I was witnessing the unfolding of a unique decorating creation right before my very eyes! Once this was done, the only thing left to do was the cleanup.
I was so pleased with the way the cake turned out, I didn't mind the cleanup one bit.
To know that I had begun learning a skill that was starting to go by the wayside in favor of 'hiring' the work out to the baker made the effort well worth it.
Needless to say, the decorated cake was a hit at my husband's birthday party! In fact, he insisted on taking several photos before cutting into it! The guests were also impress, with several of them asking me how I did it.
Of course, I was more than happy to share my 'secrets'! So, if you have been thinking about learning cake decorating skills, now is a great time to do so.
Regaining this lost art is a wonderful way to express your love and appreciation to those you care about, and they will be impressed with the individual effort put forth to show that you care.