How to Quickly Save Your Marriage
We can't control our partners.
Examining our own actions and their effect on our marriage may be the key to saving it.
Marriages have cycles - that's normal Arguments are also normal provided they aren't a common occurrence.
Dealing with the disagreements in a productive, fair, and honest way can have a dramatic influence on the longevity of a union.
Many couples don't want to admit that they have a problem.
Love stories, movies, and other media have given us all a false idea of what marriage is.
Happily ever after sounds great and is achievable if a couple accepts that there will be bumps in the road.
Unrealistic expectations can often get in the way of progress and growth.
Disappointment can cloud our vision of what needs to be done in order to move our relationship forward.
Here are a few issues that seem to cause many of the marriage problems we face today: 1 - balance between work and home is not equal.
2 - household duties are only performed by one spouse leaving the other spouse feeling resentful 3 - one partner is in a foul mood more often than not 4 - less time or interest in love making Sometimes just sitting down together and discussing issues is not enough.
There are excellent resources available for couples who are truly eager to make their marriage work.
Many of these resources focus on learning about your spouse and loving them in a different way as well as learning or re-learning to communicate more effectively.