Writing Articles - What You Should Write About in Your Articles
It is vital at this point that you are fully aware of what your niche is and what aspect or sub-niche your website will fit into.
For instance let's suppose your niche is cooking.
This is a huge and general niche and it is important that you break this down so that you target precisely the people who will purchase your products and services.
For the purpose of this article let's suppose our sub-niche is vegetarian cooking.
The next thing for you to do is to make a list of all the questions that a newbie to your sub-niche might want to know about.
What questions might they ask you if they had the opportunity? Here are some simple questions for instance: why do people cook vegetarian food? How easy it is to cook vegetarian foods? What nutrients can you find in cooking vegetarian foods?, and so on.
You should continue your list until you have at least 50 questions that you can answer in the form of an article.
Then when it comes to actually writing your articles, take each question and write an article of between 300 and 500 words which answers the question in great detail.
When you have completed the article then you can move on to the next question and again answer the question in detail.
When you have completed your 50 vegetarian questions, sit down and write out another 50 questions, this time from a different angle.
So in our vegetarian cookery example, we might ask questions about cooking using foreign vegetables.
So again make a list of about 50 questions that cover this new topic of foreign vegetable and go through the whole process again.
For instance let's suppose your niche is cooking.
This is a huge and general niche and it is important that you break this down so that you target precisely the people who will purchase your products and services.
For the purpose of this article let's suppose our sub-niche is vegetarian cooking.
The next thing for you to do is to make a list of all the questions that a newbie to your sub-niche might want to know about.
What questions might they ask you if they had the opportunity? Here are some simple questions for instance: why do people cook vegetarian food? How easy it is to cook vegetarian foods? What nutrients can you find in cooking vegetarian foods?, and so on.
You should continue your list until you have at least 50 questions that you can answer in the form of an article.
Then when it comes to actually writing your articles, take each question and write an article of between 300 and 500 words which answers the question in great detail.
When you have completed the article then you can move on to the next question and again answer the question in detail.
When you have completed your 50 vegetarian questions, sit down and write out another 50 questions, this time from a different angle.
So in our vegetarian cookery example, we might ask questions about cooking using foreign vegetables.
So again make a list of about 50 questions that cover this new topic of foreign vegetable and go through the whole process again.