Where to Find a Vintage Salt Shaker
It has become popular to collect salt shakers and while there are many new and trendy ones to choose from many people still see the attraction in owning a vintage salt shaker.
Vintage is not as old as we think it may be.
For a lot of us an item that will be considered such will have been manufactured within our lifetime.
If it is around 25 to 30 years old it will fall into that category.
There can be many reasons why a collector chooses that category to look out for.
It may be the design or just that they have a penchant for that particular era.
It may be the chance to research certain items and find out why they were the considered important enough to be immortalised.
It may even not be the item itself but a history of the previous owners that is the key.
As they are classed as vintage prices may vary.
A lot of research is necessary before you start as there is not a definitive guide and you may need to set your own price limit.
It will not have to be as expensive as shops as many people who don't see them in the same light you do will want to get rid of them at garage sales and the like.
Many of them will be with a pepper pot or part of a larger set including mustard pot and vinegar bottle, although the later two are not as collectible.
A vintage salt shaker may not be in the best condition when you buy them.
If they are made of a delicate material such as china or glass, they may have chips or part of the paint may be faded.
If they were well loved items they could have been used on a daily basis so it is to be expected that they will be showing some signs of wear and tear.
Prices will clearly vary, and it is amazing that it is not always the most decorative or ornately designed items that will cost the most.
Unlike some collections this is one that will be useful.
Unless you know the shaker is very delicate or cost an inordinate amount of money it can still be used.
It is nice to have an item that you not only love to look at but can still use.
If they are family items it will be a treat to sit down and put the same items on the table that your own parents put down on your childhood table.
As a vintage salt shaker may be delicate there is a need to find out the best way to clean them.
For many baking soda will be fine, and for the more delicate corners a little water and powder on something like a cotton bud.
If they are well looked after them may last until they fall into the category of an antique.
If the past decades are anything to go by they will still be popular then.
Vintage is not as old as we think it may be.
For a lot of us an item that will be considered such will have been manufactured within our lifetime.
If it is around 25 to 30 years old it will fall into that category.
There can be many reasons why a collector chooses that category to look out for.
It may be the design or just that they have a penchant for that particular era.
It may be the chance to research certain items and find out why they were the considered important enough to be immortalised.
It may even not be the item itself but a history of the previous owners that is the key.
As they are classed as vintage prices may vary.
A lot of research is necessary before you start as there is not a definitive guide and you may need to set your own price limit.
It will not have to be as expensive as shops as many people who don't see them in the same light you do will want to get rid of them at garage sales and the like.
Many of them will be with a pepper pot or part of a larger set including mustard pot and vinegar bottle, although the later two are not as collectible.
A vintage salt shaker may not be in the best condition when you buy them.
If they are made of a delicate material such as china or glass, they may have chips or part of the paint may be faded.
If they were well loved items they could have been used on a daily basis so it is to be expected that they will be showing some signs of wear and tear.
Prices will clearly vary, and it is amazing that it is not always the most decorative or ornately designed items that will cost the most.
Unlike some collections this is one that will be useful.
Unless you know the shaker is very delicate or cost an inordinate amount of money it can still be used.
It is nice to have an item that you not only love to look at but can still use.
If they are family items it will be a treat to sit down and put the same items on the table that your own parents put down on your childhood table.
As a vintage salt shaker may be delicate there is a need to find out the best way to clean them.
For many baking soda will be fine, and for the more delicate corners a little water and powder on something like a cotton bud.
If they are well looked after them may last until they fall into the category of an antique.
If the past decades are anything to go by they will still be popular then.