Homemade Pest Control Made From Tea & Dishwashing Liquid
- 1). Observe the affected plants carefully and determine what pests are attacking the plants. Different bugs react in different ways to the spray used.
- 2). Mix 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid that is certified biodegradable with a gallon of warm water. Spray this mixture on plants to kill insects. Wait for a few days and then repeat if there are still insects left.
- 3). Mix a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with a cup of vegetable oil. Mix about 2 1/2 tablespoons of this mixture in a cup of water. Use this spray on plants as an alternate method to kill insects.
- 4). Contain ants by using mint tea bags. Place these near the entry of the anthill and along their path. This will help ward them away.
- 5). Boil catnip with a little water and place the strained tea in a spray bottle. Spray on plants to ward off cockroaches. Avoid this method where there are cats as household pets. They may be attracted to the plant and eat it.
- 1). Use chamomile tea to stop the growth of fungus. Make chamomile tea and allow it to steep for a while.
- 2). Let the tea cool before or after straining it.
- 3). Put the strained tea in a spray bottle and spray it on the leaves and stems of plants with fungus.