Three Simple Keys to Weight Loss
And, it seems that many of the companies out there that are in the weight loss industry would prefer to keep these simple things quiet.
The first simple thing is that you have to move, get some exercise, use those muscles.
Too many people are looking for the magic pill that will suck the pounds right off your body without ever having to leave the couch.
Simple common sense says otherwise.
Our bodies were meant for motion.
There is a reason that athletes are trim, sculpted, and otherwise in great physical shape.
It is because they exercise and workout almost every day.
It certainly isn't because they eat less.
Most athletes eat more calories than an average person, but due to their level of exercise, they burn off those calories.
The second simple thing is that we are surrounded by wholesale food clubs, super centers, and fifty different restaurants within 15 minutes of our homes.
A generation ago, going out to eat was something that was done once a month or only on special occasions.
Today, many families eat out five or more times per week.
Also, we shop at these wholesale food clubs and think we are doing ourselves a favor.
The reality is we go through the food just as fast.
The bottom line here is that we consume far too much food than those just one or two generations ago.
The third simple thing is that in the food we eat, we put so many chemicals, preservatives, food dyes, and so much of that has no nutritional value.
Our bodies were not meant to consume all this non-food stuff, at least not in the quantities we put in.
We would do better to spend 75% of our time shopping around the perimeter of the store and only about 25% up and down the aisles where this kind of food is shelved.
The bottom line here is that we need to eat more natural food and less processed food.
I didn't say eliminate it, just less of it.
I also didn't say organic.
While organic is nice, just non-processed, natural food is a good place to start.
The weight loss industry would collapse if it hadn't brain washed everyone into thinking they need lap band surgery, to take their appetite suppressant, eat their medically approved boxed meal, or hire former athletes to show how their nutritional system of meals can help you drop the pounds.
Are these three keys easy? I didn't say that.
But, resisting the brain washing of an easier way, or paying for your weight loss is the first step.
The second step is to start moving and exercising.
The third step is to cut back on how you acquire food by shopping and eating out more reasonably.
The fourth step is to eat better food.
You don't need some doctor to tell you that.
You just need to tell yourself that.