Do you want to be a successful and wealthy Internet marketer the fast way
Link theft, finally a way to fight back
It might seem like an impossible challenge at the start but I assure you it is in fact very simple. The reason it appears hard at first, is because you will find many false trails and pure mis-information written specifically to remove potential competition like new-comers who may well turn into competition..
There are in fact only a few things you will need to know and act on to succed online, but they are absolutely vital.
1. You must first get an affiliate link that is secure. There have recently been released for sale several viral pieces of software that convert your affiliate link to the softwares owners affiliate link ruining your chance of making a sale.
Its easy to see if someone has stung you with this software. Have you recently noticed that inspite of a huge trafic (clicks-throughs) you are getting no sales. Don't despair, fight back.
If instead of simply directing your traffic to an affiliate link you send them to an actual website you have designed promoting your affiliate product, then when they buy you can send them straight to a payment screen instead of a hoplink screen the virus misses it's chance to act.
An affiliate Link is a click link to go to the sellors site direct and carrys a unique number transfered to tell the sellor that it you that made the sale. He will supply this for you to put at the bottom of your advertisements so when anyone comes from your advertisement he knows who to pay.
This is the step where your affiliate links can be stolen or switched and which you can sidestep.
One good product for setting pages up and designing them for you fast, that I use myself, is vendomatic (see resource box)
2. You need a steady stream of targeted traffic. This means people clicking to your sight because they are actually interested in what your selling.
Do not bother with payed for traffic it is absolutely useless, and here is why. Payed for traffic always comes from pay to click sites, where members of the public visit your site by clicking a banner and believing they are going to be paid to do this. They typically have to wait 10 - 15 seconds before clicking the next banner and arent interested at all in what you are selling only in the potential income they falsely believe they are making. It's a scam catching both of you.
The method I use to drive large amounts of traffic is Article marketing.
Write a unique article on a topic relavant to a product you promote and have secured from link theft. A4 page is about the right size for this. Try to pass on information that could actually help someone, fluff just annoys people and leaves them un-inclined to check your resources, commercial or informative. It works as a way to get peoples attention who are interested and need what you have to offer. Ultra targetted.
Next submit a variant of your article to every article directory you can find on the internet. Every article you submit is not only a backlink to your site helping with SEO (Selling on Line) but more importantly an opportunity for somene to look up what they are interested in and maybe buy a related product from you.
This works
3. You need a plan of action. Running a business online just like an offline business requires hard work and dedication, though the rewards can be substantialy higher. I recomend securing your website from link theft, making a list of article directories and writing and submitting everyday.
Work out the amount of time you need to generate an original article and the time needed to submit an article to your list of directories. Plan your time. Dont give up.
I understand that many who have started recently have had a hard time. This link theft has hit me hard to. Since the creation of that software I lost at least $5000 in profits in one month compared to my hits/sales ratio from before. Don't give up because of others. Fight back and carve yourself a slice of the action.
I hope this article has been helpful, don't forget to check the resources below for more information to help you and the recomended site will provide you with all the tools you will need to get started.. Good luck
It might seem like an impossible challenge at the start but I assure you it is in fact very simple. The reason it appears hard at first, is because you will find many false trails and pure mis-information written specifically to remove potential competition like new-comers who may well turn into competition..
There are in fact only a few things you will need to know and act on to succed online, but they are absolutely vital.
1. You must first get an affiliate link that is secure. There have recently been released for sale several viral pieces of software that convert your affiliate link to the softwares owners affiliate link ruining your chance of making a sale.
Its easy to see if someone has stung you with this software. Have you recently noticed that inspite of a huge trafic (clicks-throughs) you are getting no sales. Don't despair, fight back.
If instead of simply directing your traffic to an affiliate link you send them to an actual website you have designed promoting your affiliate product, then when they buy you can send them straight to a payment screen instead of a hoplink screen the virus misses it's chance to act.
An affiliate Link is a click link to go to the sellors site direct and carrys a unique number transfered to tell the sellor that it you that made the sale. He will supply this for you to put at the bottom of your advertisements so when anyone comes from your advertisement he knows who to pay.
This is the step where your affiliate links can be stolen or switched and which you can sidestep.
One good product for setting pages up and designing them for you fast, that I use myself, is vendomatic (see resource box)
2. You need a steady stream of targeted traffic. This means people clicking to your sight because they are actually interested in what your selling.
Do not bother with payed for traffic it is absolutely useless, and here is why. Payed for traffic always comes from pay to click sites, where members of the public visit your site by clicking a banner and believing they are going to be paid to do this. They typically have to wait 10 - 15 seconds before clicking the next banner and arent interested at all in what you are selling only in the potential income they falsely believe they are making. It's a scam catching both of you.
The method I use to drive large amounts of traffic is Article marketing.
Write a unique article on a topic relavant to a product you promote and have secured from link theft. A4 page is about the right size for this. Try to pass on information that could actually help someone, fluff just annoys people and leaves them un-inclined to check your resources, commercial or informative. It works as a way to get peoples attention who are interested and need what you have to offer. Ultra targetted.
Next submit a variant of your article to every article directory you can find on the internet. Every article you submit is not only a backlink to your site helping with SEO (Selling on Line) but more importantly an opportunity for somene to look up what they are interested in and maybe buy a related product from you.
This works
3. You need a plan of action. Running a business online just like an offline business requires hard work and dedication, though the rewards can be substantialy higher. I recomend securing your website from link theft, making a list of article directories and writing and submitting everyday.
Work out the amount of time you need to generate an original article and the time needed to submit an article to your list of directories. Plan your time. Dont give up.
I understand that many who have started recently have had a hard time. This link theft has hit me hard to. Since the creation of that software I lost at least $5000 in profits in one month compared to my hits/sales ratio from before. Don't give up because of others. Fight back and carve yourself a slice of the action.
I hope this article has been helpful, don't forget to check the resources below for more information to help you and the recomended site will provide you with all the tools you will need to get started.. Good luck