Benefits of Flower Essences
We see it every day in the papers: shootings, violence, divorce and - what I notice most - people who have gotten their fourth DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), sometimes resulting in injury or worse.
We all have different ways of dealing with stress: smoking, drinking, drugs and prescription drugs, which can become addictive.
There are also other ways that we deal with stress.
Feeling angry, sad or even depressed is a sign of the pain of being under stress! One of the most difficult jobs of a natural healer is to get people to understand that natural healing is not about treating symptoms.
Natural healing is about getting to the cause of the health problem and dealing with that cause.
It may be a combination of nutritional deficiencies, drinking more water (alkaline water if you can get it), getting more sleep or exercise, or dealing with emotional stress.
This brings us to "the power of the flower.
" I have neither the space nor the time here to tell you how powerful flower essences are.
So, I will start by saying that if you get the body, mind and spirit concept of wellness, then you are on the right track.
Edward Bach, an English doctor and homeopath, discovered how to use flowers for emotional healing and created the first 38 flower remedies, known as Bach Flower Essences.
Frustrated by the symptomatic approach to modern medicine, Dr.
Bach felt that medical doctors focused too much on pathology (the disease symptoms) and not enough on the patient.
Let's talk now about today's flower essence.
It's called Distress Remedy.
Distress Remedy is a blend of seven flower essences used to restore a sense of presence and awareness during shock or trauma.
This flower essence can calm you and help you not dissociate during a crisis situation.
A sudden death in the family, an accident, becoming the victim of a crime or whatever trauma you may suffer; when bad things happen, it helps to be able to focus on what needs to be done at the time.
If you know of someone who has experienced a trauma and never quite got over the incident, then Distress Remedy is a place to start.
We all have emotional baggage that builds up over a lifetime.
Sure, diet, exercise and talking with a loved one, a support group or your pastor may help, but many people today hold onto emotional baggage and that is a mistake.
That can ruin relationships; your mental well-being and your health can all be attributed to suppressed feelings not dealt with.
Learning to use flower essences individually takes many years of study and practice, which I do not have.
However, just reading Steve Horne's book, "The Heart's Key to Health, Happiness & Success," can go a long way in understanding how emotions affect not only our physical health but also our emotional health.
Healing with flowers is a very powerful natural health protocol that should not be over looked.
By Jack A.