How to Stay in Love With Your Husband and Save Your Marriage
You often see another side of your spouse once you two have to deal with things like children and bills.
If you find that your feelings for the man you married are now shifting, there are things you can do to save the relationship.
You can stay in love with your husband if you are determined to keep your family together.
The first thing you must do if you want to stay in love with your husband is focus on the positive things about him.
It's so easy to fall into the habit of only noticing those things about your husband that are negative.
If you do this it's bound to result in you not only resenting him but disliking him too.
Whenever you think about your spouse, concentrate on only those things you find admirable about him.
Do the same when you are talking about him to others.
It will help you appreciate him more and will keep you from going down a path towards a break up.
You must also set aside time for just the two of you if you want to stay in love with your husband.
Couples with children often find themselves doing everything as a family.
Although it's obviously important to have family time, it's also crucial to have time set aside for you two as a couple.
Plan some time every few weeks or more frequently if possible, for the two of you to do things alone.
This may involve recruiting family members to act as babysitters while you two go out for dinner or a movie.
Or perhaps you have the opportunity to sneak away alone together for a weekend.
The goal is to ensure that you have time as just a romantic couple and not as co-parents.
Once you do this you'll have the opportunity to rediscover why you fell in love with your mate initially.