The Best Espresso Coffee Grinders
At the rock-bottom price level, the coffee aficionados at Chuggin McCoffee recommend the Hario Skerton, a hand-powered grinder with ceramic burrs. Reviewers tout the Skerton's lightweight construction, small size and effective burr grinders. As of 2011, this grinder retails for just about $40. Jumping up to about $85, pro roaster Jim Pellegrini recommends the Zassenhaus Turkish Mill, another manual burr grinder, for its aesthetic qualities and portability. Zassenhaus' Box Mill provides similar features, but generally runs a few dollars cheaper.
Reviewers from home-design website Apartment Therapy praise the Maestro Plus Mill, a box hand mill that requires manual grinding. Though this type of espresso grinder requires regular maintenance, reviewers note the machine's durability and fine grinding capability. At 2011 prices, the Maestro Plus Mill runs for about $150. The Solis Maestro -- a conical burr grinder that retails for about $100 to $150 as of 2011 -- comes recommended by Slashfood reviewer and chef Nicole Weston for its value price and efficient performance.
Reviewers at the Home Barista sing the praises of the Mazzer Mini, a popular single-shot dispensing model, noting its balance of form and function. Likewise, Mark Prince of Coffee Geek says "the Mazzer Mini simply cannot be beat." The similar Macap M4 adds incremental grind adjustment and stepless settings to the mix. In 2011, both of these models retail for about $500 to $600. Specialty Coffee Advisor gives props to the $350 Rancilio Rocky grinder for its precision, aesthetics and grind quality.
In the world of commercial coffee, the La Cimbali Junior espresso grinder stands as one of Home Barista's recommended machines; reviewers take note of its heavy, rugged construction, short size and "all business" operation. While the Junior retails for about $3,000 in 2011, the slightly stripped down Cimbali Max hybrid espresso grinder can be had for just under $1,000.