The Most Effective Action You Can Take To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back!
There is a difference between you wanting your ex boyfriend back and making him want you back. When you say you want your ex back, it is more like wishful thinking. But if you make him want you back, he will take positive action to get you back. The question becomes, how do you make him want you back? This might sound like the opposite of what you should do, but the most effective action you can take to get him back, is to ignore him.
If you have been trying to get him back by chasing him and telling him you can't live without him, you know it is not working. Every time you try to call him he hangs up on you. So, why not try something entirely different? You might think the reason you are so desperate to get your ex boyfriend back is because you love him. That's part of it, but the real reason is because he rejected you and now he is ignoring you.
If that makes you desperate, why won't it work on him? The answer to that is - it will. Stop trying to get him back and take yourself out of his life. Find other interests and keep your ex off your mind as much as possible. You can also use your family's love and support to help regain your confidence. Go out with your friends and have a good time. This will show him you are not sitting at home waiting for him to call.
When you have been ignoring your ex boyfriend for a while, he will wonder if you are over him and moving on for good. When a person thinks they have lost something, they want it back. That is another normal reaction. Suddenly your ex boyfriend will see you as the most desirable woman in the world. That is what happens when you think you are losing something, it increases in value.
Look at yourself, when you were with your ex boyfriend. There were probably things about him you would like to change. But once he broke up with you he became the most perfect man to ever exist. When you stopped trying to get him back, your ex felt like you were dumping him. Now, by ignoring him and moving on, he thinks you might be gone for good. Thinking he can no longer have you will make him want you back.